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> ATLANTIS LINE..........., Atlantida mund te ket qene ne Durres
postuar 10/04/2011 - 19:04
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I recently discovered something amazing , something that will change our perception of Atlantis Myth and story.

Some studies and historians believe that there is a connection between Stonehenge in UK and Atlantis.Well if we look carefully the Stonehenge will certainly notice that the shape of such majestic monument is the perfect copy of Atlantis city as described by Plato.Now as I have told before , Durresi,s Bay in Albania is the perfect candidate for being the marvelous city mentioned by Plato.
I made an experiment with Google Earth.I joint this location "Stonehenge" and "Durresi,s Bay" by a line.I checked in which cities passes this line between this two locations and I have noticed that the famous Laguna city of Venice is crossed by this line(Venice is considered the homeland of Illyrian Language ,"Mesapic").I kept going with the line down the Durresi,s bay .This line goes straight to this famous and very important cities .ATHENS(Greece).You know the story of such glorious and magnificent city. BALTIM(Egypt)almost 140km east of ALEXANDRIA.("Baltim" in albanian language means "to mud someone"). This line crosses even the island of Santorini(Grecce) .A valid candidate for being Atlantis to.
MECCA and Jedahh in SAUDI ARABIA(Two major holy cities for the Muslim world),but some people don't know that Jedahh is consider from Muslims as the place when EVA (grandmother of humanity)is buried.The Tomb of Eva is there.Mecca by Muslims is considered by other things the place when ADAM is buried.This line passes through the famous city of Sana (YEMEN, thousand year city constructed by mud and protected by UNESCO ).Its amazing but this line is almost the same with the path of modern human made from Africa to reach Europe.

So I want to call this line the ATLANTIS LINE.

This line passes through cities filled with myths , histories and religious believes that overwhelms everyone of us.
Posted by albanian atlantis at 10:12 PD 3 comments Links to this post

E DIEL, PRILL 04, 2010
Atlantida ne Mesdhe.

Ky blog eshte ndertuar nga une per bere te njohur nje teze qe prej shume kohesh qarkullon neper qarqet intelektuale dhe akademike te mbare globit.
A ka ekzistuar ndonjehere Atlantida dhe nese po ku e ka vendodhjen ajo.Se pari duhet te kemi te qarte ai qe shkroi per te Platoni nuk ka patur per asnje moment ne mendje qe te torturoj pasardhesit e historise se civilizimeve me gjeagjeza apo rebuse qe do te shkaktonin kaq kokecarje ne pershkruesit e historise boterore.Ai na ka dhene disa informacione qe po te shqurtohen ne menyre te thjeshte dhe racionale na japin drejtime dhe orientime te pa ekuivokueshme.Se pari Atlantida ndodhet ne Mesdhe.Platoni e ka thene qarte .Ajo ndodhej ne perendim te botes helene pertej Shtyllave te Herkulit.Tani disa e ngaterojne me qellim apo pa qellim kete informacion te rendesishem te tij.Platoni i shkroi Dialogjet e tij te famshem ne shek 4tert p.k. atehere shtyllat e Herkulit nuk ndodheshin ne ngushticen e Gjibraltarit te sotem.Kete emer kjo ngushtice e ka mare shume me vone.Ne fakt disa ngushtica te mesdheut jane quajtur me kete emer dhe keto sipas situates se ekspansionit helen.Mjafton te themi se ne shekullin e 3te ngushtica e Mesines ne Sicili njihej po me kete emer shtyllat e Herkulit.Po ne shekujt e meparshem cila ngushtice emertohej ne kete menyre.Faktikisht ne Mesdhe nuk para ka shume ngushtica po te mos llogarisim hapesirat midis ishujve te shumte ne arkipelagun e Egjeut.Kemi ngushticen e Otrantos , ate te Dardaneleve , Mesinen dhe Gjibraltarin.Te pakten keto jane me kryesoret.Pra a ka mundesi qe ngushtica e Otrantos dikur te jete quajtur Shtyllat e Herkulit?Ky eshte nje element shume i rendesishem pasi e vendos Atlantiden ne Detin Adriatik.Shume pak njerez e dine se ky det ka pas qene quajtur deti i Kronos dhe me vone i Poseidonit.Dy figura mitologjike titanesh.Tani shume historian e dine mire se teritori me i lakuar ku u lind dhe u zhvillua mitologjia e titaneve eshte teritori i ballkanit veriperendimor ne te cilen perfshihet edhe Shqiperia e sotme.Mos me keqkuptoni une nuk kam ndermend aspak ti ktehj shqiptaret ne atlantidas.Une po mundohem qe te shpjegoj nje enigem qe ka mundesi te kete te beje me preardhjen e tyre .Le ta leme menjane per nje cast ngushticen dhe shtyllat e famshme te Herkulit.Nuk e di perse disa njerez jane fiksuar me idene e nje ishulli te stermadh gati kontinent per Atlantiden .Kur ne fakt Platoni flet per nje qytet ishull (ose me sakt nje qytet te modifikuar ne ishull )dhe teritori apo perandoria e saj kishte nje shtrirje te tille qe eshte e llogjikshme te kishte edhe permasat e nje kontinenti.Shliman (zbuluesi i Trojes)ishte afer zbulimit te Atlantides , objektivi i tij mbetej gjithmone Mesdheu.Perse?Sipas perkthimit te Platonit nga Benjamin Jowett flitet per nje ngjarje qe ka ndodhur 9mije vjet perpara shek.te 6p.k.(pasi meret per reference tregimi i Solonit).Hm!?Ne greqishten e lashte (me ndjeni se une nuk di greqisht)9 mije shkruhej enea-hiliada.Pra enea=nente.Po sikur ajo te kete qene jo enea por thjesht dhe vetem ENA=nje(shqip).I bie te jete jo 9te mije vjete por njemije vjete.Pra shkaterimi i Atlantides te kete ndodhur reth shekullit te 16-17te p.k..Perpara 11mije vjetesh njerezit jetonin ende ne shpella dhe mos haroni epoken e akullnajave.Greket apo helenet atehere nuk ekzistonin.Platoni na referon se Athinasit kishin maredhenie tregtare me atlantidasit dhe bile luftonin kunder tyre per supremacine e deteve apo thjesht per pushtime tokash.Histori e vjeter kjo.Pra atlantidasit kane ekzistuar ne te njejten kohe me athinasit.E kuptoj se ndoshta jeni pak te hutuar tani dhe pyesni cfare hyn gjiri i Durresit ketu.?
Le te shqyrtojme disa "koecidenca".
1.Gjiri i Durresit ka formen e nje gjysem rethi (te jene nga shkaqe natyrore apo nje modifikim i mundshem i saj ne shekuj nga njeriu).
2.Ne territorin e Durresit te sotem ka jetuar nje fis illir me emrin Taulant.Nuk do shume mend te veresh ngjashmerine e emrit Taulant me ate Atlant.
3.Atlantida eshte shkateruar nga termetet dhe permbytjet e shumta.Po keshtu edhe Durresi (Epidamnos, Dirachium).Ne shekullin e 11te pas krishtit nje termet i fuqishem e rafshoi totalisht ate,duke shkaktuar 25mije te vdekur.Ne fakt Durresi eshte shakteruar dhe permbytur disa here.Durresi dhe teritori i tij eshte nje pike tmeresisht sizmike.
Keto jane tre pikat kryesore te tezes sime.
Por sigurisht ka shume pika te ereta dhe konfuzion ne shqyrtimin e informacioneve te Platonit.Ka edhe tendenca per denigrim te saj (pra historise se Atlantides).Nuk e di por ekziston nje ide e pergjithshme se nese Atlantida zbulohet , bashke me te do ringjallen tezat e super-races apo supernjeriut nga e cila mori jete doktrina naziste.Kjo edhe mund te ndodh , por nuk ka perse te na tremb pasi ne po perpiqemi te sqarojme nje mister qe do hedhi drite ne historine e pa zbuluar te qyteterimit evropian.Zbulimi i Atlandides nuk ka perse i tremb aspak , adhuruesit e qyteterimit helen(une jam nje nder ata) adhuruesit e qyteterimit romak, besimtaret krishtere apo musliman.Ajo do jete nje ngjarje qe ka per te shtuar nje element shtese ne historine mbare evropiane dhe mbare boterore nga e cila te gjithe do kene perfitim.

Posted by albanian atlantis at 11:05 PD 2 comments Links to this post

Hello people I am Back.............
Just an update of what we are talking about.

The Lost City of Atlantis
Plato's description of the Atlantean metropolis:

Below is a translation of Plato's description of the lost city of Atlantis, taken from his works 'Timaeus' and 'Critias'. The first extract from his work below details the layout of the land in and around this huge city, and gives an impression of the vast wealth and heritage amongst the people themselves.

'At the center of the island, near the sea, was a plain, said to be the most beautiful and fertile of all plains, and near the middle of this plain about fifty stades inland a hill of no great size... There were two rings of land and three of sea, like cartwheels, with the island at their center and equidistant from each other... in the center was a shrine sacred to Poseidon and Cleito, surrounded by a golden wall through which entry was forbidden...

There was a temple to Poseidon himself, a stade in length, three hundred feet wide, and proportionate in height, though somewhat outlandish in appearance. The outside of it was covered all over in silver, except for the figures on the pediment which were covered with gold... Round the temple were statues of all the original ten kings and their wives, and many others dedicated by kings and private persons belonging to the city and its dominions...'

As well as the huge architectural knowledge the Atlantes seemed to possess, they also seem to be incredibly advanced in terms of social structure and order, as well as having access to some superb natural resources.

'Two springs, hot and cold, provided an unlimited supply of water for appropriate purposes, remarkable for its agreeable quality and excellence; and this they made available by surrounding it with suitable buildings and plantations, leading some of it into basins in the open air and some of it into covered hot baths for winter use.

Here separate accommodation was provided for royalty and commoners, and, again, for women, for horses, and for other beasts of burden... The outflow they led into the grove of Poseidon, which (because of the goodness of the soil) was full of trees of marvelous beauty and height, and also channeled it to the outer ring-islands by aqueducts at the bridges.

On each of these ring islands they had built many temples for different gods, and many gardens and areas for exercise, some for men and some for horses... Finally, there were dockyards full of triremes and their equipment, all in good shape...'

'Beyond the three outer harbors there was a wall, beginning at the sea and running right round in a circle, at a uniform distance of fifty stades from the largest ring and harbour and returning in on itself at the mouth of the canal to the sea. This wall was densely built up all round with houses and the canal and the large harbour were crowded with vast numbers of merchant ships from all quarters, from which rose a constant din of shouting and noise day and night.'

Well I believe that all this things really existed and the location is Durresi Bay in Albania. Will be in touch later.

Posted by albanian atlantis at 4:22 MD 12 comments Links to this post
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